Writing a book is a journey. I help you find the path.
My approach is unique.
As an author, endurance athlete and trained intuitive healer with a master certification in Energy Medicine®, I offer a unique approach to the creative process. I’m not just an editor. I’m not just a coach. I blend my natural healing gifts with creative energy and help clients optimize the flow state when they write. As a result, many have told me that the process of writing a book has been a positive, life changing experience.
Step 1.
Contact me to set up a FREE 30 minute consultation to discuss your story idea.
Start by starting.
Step 2.
Find the soul of your story.
We’ll clarify why you’re being called to write your book, who your audience is and what they will get from your work.
Step 3.
Apply guts not glory.
I will help you write with ease and joy. You will write without fear, just flow.
Step 4.
You will learn how to edit without mercy.
You will uncover your best story here.
Step 5.
You will be fully informed and prepared to put your great book into the world.

Skywriter Books
These are the five key steps to bringing a book into the world through Skywriter Books, a book coaching and publishing consultancy founded in 2009—on the eve of the golden age of ‘indie’ publishing. I’ve been published by traditional and international publishers and also birthed an award-winning independent press, Skywriter Books. I can help you identify and navigate the right path for you, when you and your book are ready.
Skywriter Offerings
Book Coaching
I help shape your great idea into a book, and teach you how to create a sustained writing practice over the course of six months. First we find the structure. Then we find the words. The rest is planning, practice and perseverance. You've got this.
I work with non-fiction, fiction, memoir, and business manuscripts at every stage of the development process to offer keen structural and narrative design insights. Then we get into the word by word. Structure first. Words second. Flow always.
If you have questions about the publishing world, finding an agent, writing a query, handling editors and editorial feedback or have a book idea you'd like to pursue but need a few pointers, please schedule an appointment with me and we'll talk.
Day Retreats
Writing a book is like embarking on a mountaineering adventure, so I take clients on a restorative and inspiring day-long Discovery Retreat starting with a hike through the healing redwood forests of Mt. Tamalpais, where you tell me your story and I begin to ‘see’ and develop its narrative design. I offer a personalized, guided meditation to set your creative intentions to support your path to success. After a tasty lunch on the waterfront in Sausalito, we end the day with a white boarding session in my office to capture your story beats and offer a solid framework to begin.
Writing Workshops
I offer six-week writing workshops, in person and on-line. Class size is limited to 8 writers to ensure that each participant gets helpful, high quality feedback to support their work. I bring more than two decades of teaching experience and cultivate a culture of safety and celebration in all my workshops. Oh, and we have a ton of fun. Please inquire about group levels: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced workshops. There's a group for all of you. Often these workshops lead to a week—long writing retreat at Skywriter Ranch, invitation only. Inquire about availability.
I have loved teaching all my life and bring 13 years of teaching in the MFA writing programs at California College of the Arts, the Academy of Art University and Stanford to individuals all over the world. I offer three online classes: 1. Intro to Novel Writing 2. The Art of Revision 3. Making the Great Debut. Classes are affordable and prerecorded so that you can go at your own pace. These are in development but please inquire if you are interested or have a class you’d like me to teach. I’m excited!